Start by asking the wrong questions
Almost a century ago, Henry Ford famously said, “If I had given my customers what they asked for, I’d be making faster horses.” Effective research has to go beyond simple Q&A. That’s why Taylor Brand Group’s brand research uses a variety of projective imaging techniques that allow us to gain insights that might be otherwise left undiscovered by conventional surveys or focus groups. We employ projective imaging to ask questions that explore brands from a totally different perspective, such as “what if the brand were a famous person,” or through imagining the ideal brand experience in their mind and then relating to the interviewer what they saw.
By asking these seemingly “wrong” questions we are consistently able to bring new insight to the perceptions of our clients’ brands and provide better recommendations for improving their brand messages, brand experience and marketing efforts. One of our most effective tools is the BrandStorm™ workshop, which allows your own employees and staff to provide input on how they perceive the brand and deliver it to your customers on a daily basis.
Other research tools include mapping brand attributes against the competition and our BrandScan™ website analysis to determine how effectively your website represents your brand.